
Emeritus Professor of Building Materials of School of Civil Engineering of the Universitat Politecnica of Catalunya. Currently in Constructing-Cycle SL. Research topics of eco-efficient materials and construction waste, environmental impact leaching, pavements and roads, concrete durability and bituminous mixtures. He has published on these issues, since 1967 more than 80 articles and books, including Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment, Vol 8 RILEM STATE REPORTS OF ART “2013” .ha directed 22 doctoral theses and 30 master Th., has delivered invited lectures in Spain, Japan, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Brazil, Italy, Portugal and China. It has been Chairman of the Committees RILEM TC-217 and TC-198 URM. He has served on committees AENOR materials, PIARC and CEN.

Co-founder and partnerConstructing Cycle SL  Carrer Jordi Girona 29, Office 208, Campus Nord UPC, Building Nexus II, 08034 Barcelona

Email info@constructing-cycle.com

Materials Section of the Department of Construction Engineering Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Emeritus Professor of Building Materials